DF is a term for men that like butt sex who spit on women and things of the sort
"Will you please stick your penis in my butt" -DF
by Joy lol August 27, 2008
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A comment people use when they are referring to a toy boy or some guy who dates a female because of her money.
Hey, check him out, I think we've got a DFS.
by Rudi_Vinuya May 28, 2006
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Designated D.U.F.F. Snatcher- The friend in the group that always seems to grab the D.U.F.F. (Designated Ugly Fat Friend)

Also See: WingMan
"Dude, who is going to wingman tonight?"

"Tommy is. Hes always the DFS"
by BigFootRay06 July 9, 2009
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See wordDrunken F00l/word.
by Anonymous April 3, 2003
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An unfunny meme usually about the minecraft server Diamondfire, posted on its discord servers meme channel.
Im going to make a DF Meme about Lusacan and Cptbubbles fighting.
by UltraCraftGames June 7, 2020
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stands for douche fuck... means the same as douche bag
Your friend does something you dont like you say something like," kyle your a real DF".
by Mitch EZ June 27, 2005
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a weirdo in the 2k community that asked other DF members for there phone number to get there location
i am Power DF and i’m gay
by xoStrxp March 15, 2022
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