When you're on the phone and the person you're talking to bought their phone at Walmart so it's making a clipping noise.
Betty was chatting with Amy but her phone kept clipping. Betty hung up because nobody likes a cheap phone.
by duckkiller April 26, 2021
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"Person X back-stabbed me- that bitch is clipped"

by Clipnbitches April 23, 2009
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When a mad person is not happy with you he will take you out
I was slagging this girl and it turns out her father is mad. He is going to have me clipped
by Jonny Sheridan December 20, 2013
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Removing a friend on Facebook and from communication in the real world.
"That bitch is pissin' me off! She's 'bout to get clipped!
by thenupianomann December 23, 2011
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The act of being under the influence of any drug or narcotic.
Guy1: what's up dog?
Guy2:vro im fucking clipped right now.
by Bigbackboijohn March 15, 2017
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A concatenation of cunt and lips. A man or woman who thinks that they are gods gift to the world. Typically they have very little social awareness and tend to make everyone around them hate them. Irresponsible and prone to preying on younger individuals of the opposite (or same) sex.
Guy A: Dude, Clips just got fired at work.
Guy B: How completely unexpected. What did he do now?
Guy A: Had sex with an underage girl at work.
Guy B: Figures the only pussy he can get is the impressionable kind.
by Who's Awesome February 4, 2010
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Slang term for "Dating" in Western Pennsylvania.
More preferable for a male to describe his status with a women.
Guy1: Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Guy2: I'm taking this new girl I'm clipping out tonight.
Guy1: Aw sweet she got any sisters?
Guy2: Naw, sorry bud.
Guy1: It's alright, it looks like another night of smackin it...
by W to the Alrus September 21, 2010
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