The medium through which people communicate whilst watching streams of other people playing video games.

It is said that Twitch chat is the source of ebola, aids, cancer, and all participants as individuals generally behave on par of what you could expect from somebody with a severe case of autism.

Copy pastas are often the primary form of communication typically some variant of dongers.
Kripp: *Did I just get Harrison Jones'd by a Warrior? Holy fuck*
prorous: "LOL"
Comradebannana: "topdik"
veganorriot: "this was has ebola"
Lamacatcones: "that's a cute shirt kripp"
huffernudes: "WORLD FIRST"
ratherduffc "SKRTED M8"
Bldaebreak: "i thought it was greece's economy crashing into the toilet"
Fluffysaw: "ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ twitch chat ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ"
Kripp: *This guy is 100% sniperino*
Absethan: "ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 I'VE GOT THE STREAM IN MY SIGHTS!"
prorous: "ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 I'VE GOT THE STREAM IN MY SIGHTS"
Sassaki111: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 I'VE GOT THE STREAM IN MY SIGHTS
Basmal: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 I'VE GOT THE STREAM IN MY SIGHTS!
Neccy: P L A Y A R E N A F U CK K E R
Nightbot: Mumblefag has been infected with EBOLA 23186 times
Hunterofpvp: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 Sniperino INC I've got this steam in my sights @nl_Kripp & @Lieffman
Darkmurlock: Kripp Playing Mostly Arena. Where Would We Be Without Flowerdongers? (◕‿◕✿) (◕‿◕✿)(◕‿◕✿)(◕‿◕✿)(◕‿◕✿)(◕‿◕✿)
Kanosih: ☑ This guy's pasta is CRAZY!” ☑ “My rigatoni can't win against a linguini like that” ☑ "He NEEDED that alfredo to win" ☑ “He meatballed the only marinara that could beat me” ☑ "He had the perfect fettucini ☑ “There was nothing I could cook” ☑ “I cooked that al dente” pls no coperino pasterino macaroni alfredo.
3221slyfoxhomie: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻ ┻̿═━一 Sniperino
by LIllilIlil October 16, 2014
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F in the chat means to pay your respects. They are mostly on streams like twitch. The term originated after a feature in the 2014 release of Call of Duty asked players to press F on their keyboard or X on their controller to “pay respects” to virtual fallen soldiers.
by SixtyNinePeopleFuckMyAss June 21, 2020
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A conversation or group meeting involving fat doinks. Very important chats created by none other than the man the myth, the legend, Joseph Urban.
Are you ready for a doink chat tonight?

Don’t sleep on this doink chat!!
by Hackerboy69 February 3, 2018
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London slang for talking nonsense, or speaking of something about which you have no clear understanding.
"Bingly bongly boo. Snippety-snappety-blarg. Goo ferplunk moo-ha ha ha."
"Man, don't chat breeze."
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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Chatting macca is the equivalent of chatting shit or not telling the truth
“John said he pulled a 10 last night”
“Nahhhh, can’t be. He’s chatting macca”
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An online pedofile, See King-Of-Chat. Also known as "Jamaling."
"Kids, watch out for a Prince-Of-Chat in chatrooms devoted to legal topics."
by Jamal-the-Small April 15, 2008
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