noun: An imaginary device that a man apparently wears when he gets obsessed with a woman that he is having sex with; causing him to ignore other parts of his life, or the fact that the woman is not good for him.

The phrase uses beaver, a slang term for female genitals. and refers to horse blinkers (blinders) which are a device used to stop cart pulling horses becoming distracted.

adj: Beaver Blinkered
John: Have you heard from Tommy recently?
Don: Not much at all since Tracy came on the scene.
John: Ah, he'll have his Beaver Blinkers on, he can't see anything but pussy right now...
by Jonfan Beast February 3, 2013
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Man, I'm so stoned...pass me the blinker fluid so I can get the red out.
by John's mom March 14, 2006
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when someone is falling asleep sitting upright. Their head makes a nodding motion whilst they blink to fight back the tiredness.
Q) Why did you run over the pedestrians?

A)Had a touch of the noddy blinkers, m'lud.
by Rob July 31, 2005
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a walk usually between 20-45 minutes where one casually blinks their cart/pen multiple times throughout the duration.
yo chris said he’s gonna go for a blinker walk, you coming?
by indicawrld November 15, 2022
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To signal after a lane change
That prick in the BMW tried to block my lane change, so I gave him a victory blinker after I cut him off.
by Racer X. January 13, 2012
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When a clueless driver leaves their blinker on after the lane change or partial turn has already been completed. Leftover blinker can be dangerous, confusing other drivers who think the car is going to pop in their lane.
Hey man, watch out that car is coming in your lane!
Nah bro, that's just leftover blinker from a lane change miles ago.
by theway146 June 3, 2013
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