the act of releasing sperm on the back of a black women during sex causing a skunk like line to form.
we were going at it from behind, and I pulled out and skunked her.
by Adam P. Rice August 17, 2007
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Snorting cocaine off of an african man's penis.
"Yo why does Megan have a bloody nose, and walking all funny?"

"I heard she was out skunking all night!"

by FRAGGLEROX July 11, 2005
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having hugged a person and they have left on you their scent (perfume, aftershave) and you smell it on yourself for the remainder of the day (or until you get yourself to a shower)
"i've just been skunked by your Mum"

"i just got skunked by that guy i haven't seen in ages who always smells awesome!"
by Puddy Fischer April 14, 2010
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When you discharge your (male) bodily fluid all over a girls back
by Ibz May 11, 2006
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dirty530 word for being stoned and drunk at the same time.
i was so skunked at that party last night.
by dirty530 king June 16, 2008
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skunk is the kronic - any smoker with any brain left wont use it in a blunt
by pot October 21, 2003
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A Punk influenced by SkinHead styles of dress and music. A SkinHead with a Mohican.
Baz was always annoyed that his helnet cruhed his mohican when riding his Vespa.
by Mark October 25, 2003
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