Anarcho-Capitalism is redundent in using the term "capitalism". With anarchy there is no government...hence no restrictions on capitalism. It's like saying Libertarian who loves freedom, or intelligent genius.
Anarcho-Capitalism promotes a stateless society, where people are unprotected from buying things they might actually want. Anarcho-Capitalism allows employers to pay employees whatever they want...but what's worse is it allows employees to actually accept any wage they want.
by Bucky O'Hare April 23, 2006
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Those anarchos sure like soup
by dunes_2 December 2, 2003
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Western leftist that engages in bothsidesism when confronted with any real world geopolitical scenario. Calls themselves a socialist but consistently denounces actually existing socialist states in the name of intellectual nuance, therefore

inadvertently fulfilling the strategic interests of the western imperialism and with that becoming NATO's useful idiots.
YouTuber and peadofile Vaush is the quintessential anarcho-NATOist
by therenegademaster June 7, 2022
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Otherwise known as free market anarchism. The only political philosophy that offers true freedom in all respects - Both politically, and economically. It entails a lack of formal government combined with a completely free market.
Anarcho-capitalism is the most viable form of anarchism.
by Totallynotaraper September 12, 2011
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A misleading and oxymoronical term contrived by manipulative lassaiz-faire capitalists to draw uninformed, young, and rebellious youth into their ideology by applying the word "anarcho" to it.
Just because anarchism is actually about opposing ALL systems of hierarchy, it doesn't stop me from trying to use the word anarcho-capitalism to make me look hip and rebellious!
by Art Crass February 3, 2008
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an ideology that branches off anarcho communism but differentiates itself by jerking off to the aesthetics of liberalism instead of doing actual praxis
"see that anarchist Vaush over there? he voted Biden"
"ah, didn't know he believed in anarcho-bidenism"
"what the fuck are you talking about jesse"
by oatmealdistrict October 22, 2020
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An ideology that branches off anarcho communism but differentiates itself by jerking off to the aesthetics of liberalism instead of jerking off to the aesthetics of leftism.
"See that anarchist Vaush over there? He voted Biden."
"Oh, I didn't know he believed in anarcho-bidenism."
"He created it!"
by An Bean Laghairt October 22, 2020
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