A sour/bitter person inside and out.
Gavin just stole my homework.

Man, he's such a lemon.
by mel_ June 16, 2017
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An enby friends name, they’re the best! They’re sweet and artistic. Kinda sarcastic but mostly the peace maker. They prolly got their name from Lemon Boy by Cavetown
Person 1: “did you see the drawing Lemon drew me?”
Person 2: Lemon is sweet and artistic like that.”
by VixTheEnby September 26, 2020
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Pertaining to or acting sour like a lemon. To be angry or snappy toward someone.
Alfonso's lemonic attitude made no one want to be around him for he was so mean.
by Connor Kirwan May 27, 2008
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a guy who is super expeditiously completely utterly with-all-of-their-being zesty but you wanna be secretive about it so you call them a lemon instead
person 1: that guy is such a zest fest omg
person 2: girl nobody uses that phrase anymore we use lemon now it’s cuter
person 1: oh wow ur right that’s so camp 😜
by fairisfoul June 15, 2023
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A man who looks like the hulk and loves the taste of chocolate milk. A large man who will smash your face and leave you with only one shoe.
An American man. Warning approach with extreme caution; white Russians and red wine recommended for close encounters.
Lemon exp. A lemon a man who is nice to be around but carries a bit of a bite
by jeorgia July 11, 2013
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A Loser, A Lame, Someone who generally can't get right.

This person generally suffers from intellectual short comings.

A real corny mother fucker with a small jock and halitosis.
That guy is huge Lemon.
by LemonadeRain January 11, 2014
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A word used to describe homosexuals, or queer people who like the same gender. Usually in love with aesthetics and ukulele playing. Cavetown is a great example
“I am a LEMON” said susie, “Finally you’re coming out of the closet!”
by Table b11 December 13, 2018
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