Zoe is that sorta unpopular girl with dazzling green eyes and wavy-ish brown, thick hair. All she wants is to be noticed by some other people than her friends. She really is a beautiful girl if you just let her show it. She absolutely loves it when girls she doesn't know too well talk to her. So give Zoe a chance and give her a simple compliment, or even better, have a fun, great convo with her- it will absolutely make her day better. Zoe's are short but have curves and all the right places. A true Zoe really knows how to cheer you up and make you laugh.
Random Girl: Hey Zoe! What's up?
(This is followed by a fun conversation)
Gosh, that Zoe knows how to make you laugh!
by Alison (the best name) October 1, 2011
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Truly one in a million, a Zoe is exceptionally beautiful, with soft blond hair and blue eyes that will melt your heart. She is unbelievably talented, with artistic skills that never cease to amaze anyone lucky enough to see her work, and video gaming abilities that would put most any guy to shame. Her caring smile and warm heart are enough to cheer up even the most depressed individual, and her sense of humor will put a smile on anyone's face. Never afraid to speak her mind, a Zoe is honest, especially with the people she cares about. In a relationship, a Zoe is unbelievably loving and understanding. If you are lucky enough to date a Zoe, treat her right, because letting her go would be something you'd regret for the rest of your life.
I'm so glad Zoe is my best friend.
by Capnkirk September 13, 2014
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(Verb) Throwing out backhanded peace signs whenever possible.
Yo, every time I get a snap from that girl she's Zoeing.
by cjh1 November 8, 2014
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Zoe is the most amazing person on the planet, even if she doesn't admit it herself. She's loving, caring, and is always there for you. All the urban dictionary definitions say something about how their person is the best, but none come close to Zoe.

Zoes give the best hugs, they're unmatched by anyone on the planet. When you hug a Zoe, it'll honestly be one of the best experiences of your life, they're that good. If you have a Zoe in your life, I'm honestly so happy for you. When you're feeling down, just talk to a Zoe. She's that awesome.
I could probably say more about Zoes, but that'd take too long. So to simply, just think of any skill at all. Zoes are the best at it, no matter what.
Person 1: Hey man what were you doing last night?
Person 2: Yk just talking to Zoe.
Person 1: Luckyyyyyy Zoe is so amazing!
Person 2: Ikr I love her so much
by awesome person :) June 24, 2021
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Zoe is a pretty girl who’s fearless but caring. She has a great smile and lights up any room she walks in. Zoe has the most prettiest eyes that you could just get lost in. If you ever get to meet a Zoe in your life you’ll want to keep her in your life. She will make your day better in a couple of minutes. At first once you meet her she won’t open up right away but if you listen to her, she’ll open up. Zoe will care about you even if she doesn’t show it. Zoe’s an adventurous girl and isn’t afraid to bend the rules. If you get the chance to meet a Zoe, don’t let her go.
Let’s go with Zoe!
by Dogeater101 November 25, 2018
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Zoe is the most amazing friend you'll ever have. She's smart, beautiful, and even stunning. A Zoe can be full of creativity and be artistic and talented. One of her best features are either her smile or her laugh. She jokes around a lot, and is overall a fun and amazing person to be around. If you're having a bad day, she's always there for you.
However, she thinks to herself many negative things that are false, and dreams of things she believes that will never ever happen to her. A Zoe can bottle things up, and pretend nothing bad is happening.

If you're friends with a Zoe, remind her daily that she's needed and wanted. Let her remember that she has friends and people all around her that love her, because that's what she needs.
I love Zoe!

Zoe is the best friend I've ever had.
by regieri December 25, 2016
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extremely beautiful. like fine as fuck. she might seem innocent and shy at first but once you get to know them they're baddies to the bone😈 if you ever get a chance to be with her, never ever let her go. there won't be anyone else like her. if you're dating her, and you ever get her alone in a room ... man she lowkey a freak💦
man last night was the best night of my life. I got to spend it with my girlfriend Zoe while my parents were gone
by football is my life February 23, 2017
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