Living proof that shaving your head, getting a bunch of insipid tattoos and speaking in low, monosyllabic growls is an effective method of fabricating a desirable male image and provoking hormonal responses in ghettos and trailer parks everywhere. Appeals to below median IQ crowds with cinematic masterpieces like ‘Triple X’, ‘the Fast and the Furious’ and ‘the Chronicles of Riddick’…high budget schlock indicative of the dismally short attention spans and sub-par intelligence of the average movie-going public. Highly idolized despite his resemblance to someone who may empty trash cans for a living.
Wife: Honey!?... who’s that man outside going through our trash cans?
Husband: Oh, that’s just Vin Diesel, he’s researching for part in Michael Bay’s new movie about trash collectors who go after the Japanese mafia.
by Pedantic Twit April 21, 2006
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To grow so intensely enraged that all your hair falls out and you begin to kick someone's ass in slow motion.
The math teacher Vin Dieseled an innocent bystander when someone he hated glued themselves to his garage door.
by Anie Banani March 5, 2008
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The bane of all envious boyfriends & frustrated actors who are now movie critics, who couldnt make it in show businessw/ hair.
Of a jealous boyfriend: I hate Vin Diesel;he can't act;he's ugly;he's gay ladies so stop swooning over him.
Of a frustrated critic: I hate Vin Diesel;he can't act;he's ugly;he's gay;his carer is finished.
They are all secretly thinking: why does he have to be a handsome muscular guy who can act & is sensitive & can be tough & can be funny? why can't be like Steve Seagal instead who's no threat to us?
by Girl Critic April 14, 2005
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Sexy and Gorgeous stud who can kick the above persons ass.
by vins chicklette September 2, 2003
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One who's head looks like a grapefruit, with a slightly smaller grapefruit for a nose.
Wow, that really ugly bald guy looks like vin diesel.

Dude, there's a vin diesel here, we should leave
by scott douglas December 5, 2003
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Variation: Vin, Yum
Adjective: An extremely buff male.
a. Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent: ‘He’s a bit Vin Diesel
b. Characterized by magnificence or virtuosic brilliance:
2. Informal. Wonderful; delightful. Sexy. Suave. Brilliant. Gorgeous
Unfortunately the term Vin Diesel is often misused by men who aren’t themselves considered to be ‘Vins’ who can become extremely bitter and twisted. ‘Wow, that really ugly bald guy looks like vin diesel.’
Correct usage: 'I cant beleive how Vin that guy is, go ask his number!'
by Pinkeyegirl March 17, 2005
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