A Harrison is the act of receiving fellatio while sitting on a sofa drinking a beer and smoking an optional joint.
Q: "Are you coming out with the lads tonight?"
A: "I don't think so, mate. I'm just gonna stay in and get myself a Harrison."

"I had myself a quality Harrison last night!"

"So the missus dropped to her knees and pulled out my plonker, but I was like "Oi, cunt! Get me a beer first and meet me at the sofa so I can get myself a proper Harrison, like I deserve."

"Man, I had a great night last night."
"Really? What happened?"
"I was sitting on the sofa drinking a beer and my ho just comes along, whips out the one-eyed trouser snake, and starts chomping away!"
"Oh, you got yourself a Harrison!"
"Did I?"

"Buddy, if you engage in competition X, where you will have at least a 99% chance of winning, I will give you $5,000."
"What the fuck do I want $5,000 for? I just want to sit on the sofa, drink a beer, and get a blowie."
"I think you have problem. You are addicted to getting Harrison's."
"I know! I know! I know! I need help."

"The wife had to be taken into hospital."
"Oh dear. Why?"
"I knocked out all her teeth and broke her jaw."
"Fuck me."
"I know. Well, she has been giving me 3 Harrison's a day for 2 years, so I guess it's not surprising."
by Will McKenzie April 28, 2013
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salutation my fellow hood man, possibly quite the gayest person I have ever met
Harrison is gay
by harrison is gay July 23, 2019
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Someone that is really kind and thoughtful for others. Can be sometimes moody, but will talk to people they want to talk to. They may not have a good taste in girls/boys as they choose the wrong people. They get on with people whose names start with B,E,D,I and W. They should take some time to think about who is always there for them and is nice to them instead of being with fake people. They are tall, good looking and mostly have either blonde or brown hair. Their interests are football, football and football. Did i mention they like football?
Becky: OMG! Harrison is being so moody today.
Elle: He is always moody, he will get over it someday.
by zzz123443 May 21, 2019
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A person, generally male, that looks like; 1. A piece of toast; 2. A seagull; or both.
Damn, that's Harrison all right.
by thinkbagel September 28, 2014
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A person who cannot stop thinking about themselves, and constantly reminds all others around them of their good and bad qualities. Constantly flirts with any attractive girls near him. Enjoy's standing in front of a mirror for hours observing them self. Often a wearer of man scarves.
John: "I'm going to be an actor when I'm older"
Julia: "Oh really?"
John: "Yeah, my favorite actor is Taylor Lautner. Don't you think I look like him?"

Alex: "That guy is totally being a Harrison"
by NatSwa October 17, 2010
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