A racist slur towards Italians. Used to discriminate Italians. The term comes from the deep belief that Italians use too much garlic in their foods while they cook.
Mom: oh my god kids we need to run it’s a garlic man
by Italian Sausage Dealer February 12, 2020
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Garlic bread?! Garlic bread?! am i hearing right? Garlic bread?!
Peter Kay live @ Bolton royal albert halls & at the top of blackpool tower!
by Lee Bryan March 7, 2005
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a person who walks around with their hands in their pants and smells like Italian Pasta Salad and garlic toast from Pizza Delight.
by Emily N.M. January 7, 2009
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A derogatory, and somewhat amusing, term for the French
French PM Jacques Chirac is nothin but a snail chewing, GARLIC MUNCHING, beret wearing surrender monkey!
by Austin Powers' Fajah July 5, 2005
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Garlic man is a man who loves garlic, goats, Pauls and beards. He has a striking resemblance to Scott Pendlebury and Mark Webber. When he has consumed too many drinks he resembles Sid The Sloth from Ice Age.
I wish I was a cool as a garlic man!
by Dockingadam November 15, 2014
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An insult one gives to another be it male or female. Males tend to get more offended because it implies that they A) have a vagina therefore they must be a girl...or a hermaphrodite and B) Their vagina stinks like garlic.. twice offended with one insult. Females would be offended because it implies that they don't wash often and therefore their vagina stinks like garlic. Whoever you say it to, it's bound to get an unpleasant reaction somewhere down the line. The term can also be used in conjunction with 'Your mother' insult for added effect.
Guy1: Yo dude, stfu go lick your ma's garlic vag. Guy2: wtf, nigga stfu you're the one with the garlic vag! Guy1: Fuck you and your garlic vag! | Guy2Girl: Hey do you smell that?? It smells like garlic vag.. ewww it's you isn't it!!! DIRTY BITCH!! gtfo go and wash!! Girl2Guy: Umm, wtf are you on about. I don't have a 'Garlic Vag'. How could you even suggest such a thing. *closes legs and prenteds to sniff around her crotch to make sure it's not her*
by Joori January 11, 2010
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The act of putting your finger in your armpit then proceeding to put it in a member of the opposite sex's mouth.
Jackie just got garlic fingered. Hard.
by thafease May 9, 2010
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