Anna is amazing...she is beautiful, smart, and talented in just about everything. She can be stubborn at times but it's adorable when she is. Anna is the best friend you are gonna want!
Guy 1:who is that?
Guy 2: that's Anna she's my best friend😉
Guy 1: Damn
by Eskatit September 20, 2018
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She's okay
Anna is ok.
by Mario_Sneezes December 16, 2021
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Anna is sexy, beautiful, kind-heated, and caring. Anna makes a good friend, she usually sticks up for her friends and sometimes, she would stick up for people she doesn't even know. Anna is that girl that everyone would love to be friends with. Anna's usually try to act strong on the outside, but on the inside, they are breaking down. You'd be incredibly lucky to be friends with an Anna. Anna's are funny, and good at video games, sports, and the other stuff ;). Anna has amazing curves, but doesn't know it, not to mention her amazing body! Anna tends to be kind-hearted and caring, if you get on her bad side, she'll become one feisty girl, and probably break you down until you begin to regret getting on her bad side. Anna is a girl that brings herself into conversations to stick up for random people. People think that Anna is strong on the outside, but on the inside, shes insecure but people don't really understand why. Any guy would be lucky as fuck to date her. Anna is usually bipolar, always experiences these weird ass mood swings. Anna's usually try to hide their emotions through smiling, but anyone could tell when they're upset. To sum it up, Anna's are the best, and you'd be lucky to meet one in real life.
Friend of Anna: Anna, I am so lucky to have you as a friend
Anna: Thanks, I love you so much.
Friend of Anna: I actually hate you
Anna: What the fuck, I hate you too!

Friend of Anna: I'm just kidding! :(
Anna: Same, I love you!
by Marting Dingo June 9, 2016
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Person 1: so how was your time with your friend?

Person 2: it was good, she was being an anna today
by Ooh-Lah April 29, 2008
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A female that is beautiful, gorgeous, & amazing. One who is outgoing and loves to be around nice people. One who enjoys many sports and activities. Does not group with any stereotypes. Will always tell the truth. Always listening to music. & loves you<3
Anna Else Morland
by peace maker<3 March 4, 2009
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A girl who is generally sweet and mild mannered on the outside, but is a crazy party girl on the inside. She is also quite bi-polar. It can be used when you are extremely drunk but trying to play it cool.
Cassy: Do you think it's ok to talk to my parents even though your stone drunk?
Mandy: Oh yeah, I'm totally anna.
by Jane G January 30, 2006
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