A girl who knows almost everything about someone she likes and REALLY wants to date. She calls him and gets scared and hangs up, then calls again and makes her friends talk to him for her, she knows his address and makes her mother drive past the house when they are in the area even if it is out of their way, and when she finally gets up the nerve to tell him that it is her...she cries when everyone finds out and goes completly beserk because she reallly did love him and still does but he doesn't seen to wanna talk to her even if it would just be to tell her that he doesn't like her like that.
I really like him!
A Lot!
I Think It Is True Love, On My Part At Least.
by Who Knows April 24, 2004
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Your very own Personal Fan
Get out of here, Stalker.
by ThePearl January 6, 2014
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Person who calls at all hours of the night/day and harasses you about slashing tires and throwing rocks
Gwen, I know you did it, I just want to come over and fix this face to face sweety, don't worry, I wont hurt you to bad
by Carizzle August 30, 2003
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a guy who constantly im's random girls on the internet. usually using multiple multiple screennames when one is blocked.also uses lame e-pick up lines. ie. loser, rucari.
rucari 1:when u sey 'lmao' do you really laugh ur ass off?
girl1: stfu leave me alone

rucari 2: please dont block me again
girl1: leave me the hell alone

rucari 3: please dont block me again
girl1: leave me the hell alone

rucari 4: please dont block me again
girl1: leave me the hell alone, why are you such a stalker?
by THE PO-LICE June 23, 2006
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1. Someone who pursues by tracking stealthily.
2. Someone who follows or observes (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. Billy Miller.
4. Those two girls in wigs.
"Stalker is such a harsh word.. I prefer pursuer."
"Or observing with a passion!"
-Those two girls in wigs
by Sabishii211 March 27, 2004
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someone who wants to rape you in the butt
justin is a stalker
by deana eichman January 13, 2009
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