The bestest person you will ever meet! She loves meat, and Harry Potter, and Hamilton, and Unicorns and Everything! She is super awesome, but if you get on her bad side your butt is dead, because she is a black belt in Karate! She is a supporter of all races and sexualities and she is afraid of hurting innocent people. She is a great leader with a fantastic sense of humor! She is also a fast thinker and genuinely is intelligent! Her sense of style is on point and
"Dang! That Ruby girl is pretty much perfect!"
"Yeah, if she were my girlfriend I would probably marry her in a second! She is too good for me though."
by rubyyyyyyyyyyy November 24, 2016
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Ruby is a hell seeker bottom, who just wants some chicken nuggs. Mess with her and you get the muggs... ruby works hard for what she wants, takes no shit, and even tho she sells her body, she knows what it’s like to kill to get something done. Ruby will kill you on SIGHT if you think about touching her or even looking your way.
Boy: woah ruby is so frickn hot
Boy 2: bro be careful, ruby is not the kind of soft girl yo lookin for
by Sully^2 October 15, 2019
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An amazingly beautiful girl that is completely stunning When you meet a ruby you will be in disbelief and she will always make you laugh and smile. she has a great personality and will always do whats best for you. She is also very intelligent. She will always make a fantastic girlfriend. If you have a girlfriend named Ruby then you are the luckiest person alive. She is completely flawless besides her sometimes potsy self. She is very chatting in a good way. You will always be able to love a Ruby no matter what she does. A Ruby is a very friendly and nice person even if you are not her friend she will help you and care for you. Truly amazing.
Person1: OMG I love Ruby so much I want to be her boyfriend

person2: Same she is so amazing
by Angus Mason April 30, 2018
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a manly cow who is very good at cricket and loves to eat rocks at breakfast with fisher's she is not a fienna but she is a potato
Random: wow your a ruby
Random 2: yeah I know
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Perfect Amazing great at sex smart big boobs but don't get her mad because you will wish you did not every boy wants her even if she is not his type great body does not like to receive compliments but to give them hates her name but other girls want it does not like her body but other people love it
Guy one : "I had great sex with Ruby last night" Guy two : "Dude you are so lucky" Guy one : "I know right"
by rubystella96 April 5, 2015
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She is absolutely stunning and simply just perfect, She's really caring and sometimes people don't seem to appreciate that. She can be a little weird but in a good way and always makes you laugh. She is girl people wanna be with, I never wanna loose her . If you're there for her she'll be there for you. She's unlike any other girl in the world, she's just so amazing .
Person 1: Ruby is so perfect

Me: she is more then perfect you dumbo.
by K3lsey_ January 31, 2023
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Ruby is the best person in the whole wide world!! 🫶🏾
by ivoniiiizzsseassksksm March 31, 2022
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