the point in which you do not know whether you're just high or still rolling, or sometimes a combination of both.
by formulalloyd January 18, 2014
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When a female or male partner is giving you a blowjob so instense, you pass a kidney stone!
Damn, she was goving me the Dyson sloppy 4000 when I passed a Rolling Stone the size of an asteroid.
by sicha_beast August 11, 2022
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A rolling stone gathers no moss; with some exceptions.
Some people just can't bear the single life, so approximate the rolling stone life by forming a conglomerate stone that they hope will survive rolling without fracturing.
"Oh so you're going nomadic?"
"Nah, conglomerate rolling stone style. The missus can come with."
by GregTheConglomerate June 18, 2024
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