A retarded animal that can pop out of some capsules and can not think and has no humor
Mark: hey Bob
Bob: hey mark

Mark: did you find anything new?
Bob: just a weird retarded animal...
Mark: I know! is it Pikachu?
by tyuiasdfghjzxcvbn April 19, 2017
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a sexually transmitted disease that makes your balls fall of, grow legs and kick you really hard in the shins.
"I've got pikachu"

"So that's why you're shins are all bruised"
by arnold/ dwayne August 27, 2008
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1: A sexy beast.
2: Make you so horny.
3: The steamiest sex toy. Ever.
yeeuh, Pikachu you lookin' good in dem jeans.
by Pikachu lover June 8, 2007
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A fat lump of electrified yellow shit who features in Pokemon, a japanese anime cartoon adventure featuring a gay kid named ash and about 250 freakishly happy gay animals.
"Go Pikachu" you fat tub o shit!
by Peter Taylor-Fitch April 18, 2006
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That one fat yellow mouse from Pokemon that not only ruined MY childhood, but ruined the childhoods of kids around the world
by VibeyTheVibrator January 3, 2009
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When a woman shoves a tazer gun up her vagina and then fires it with her vaginal muscles at her partner(dude or girl) and yells "pikaa pikaa"
by I Pooped Today May 22, 2014
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When pikachu meet they touch tails they can generate powerful electricity have cheek sacs that are extra soft and super stretchy
by Damaviona May 14, 2021
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