The art of filling all holes of a woman whilst singing the national anthem until climax. Swapping at strategic intervals
Dude, this weekend me and a few of the lads dished out an emma perkins
by Devilman850 February 21, 2011
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A player who plays for the Boston Celtics. Claims to be the best center in the NBA. He actually is one of the best centers in the NBA due to his performance in the playoffs. Basically Perkins is a beast and potentially could turn into a baby Moses Malone.
Person 1: Man did you see Kendrick Perkins in the first half

Person 2: Yea, he is a beast. What did he put up

Person 1: Like 13 points and 12 rebounds.

Person 2: Shit!!! he's a beast!!!
by Marcus1992 August 23, 2009
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Is where you suddenly change your life because you met a girl. She may like you better if you do this rather than that so you change your ways to impress her..
Taylor Stanford has stopped playing Xbox 360 with JeRzEE because of the Haleigh Perkins Disease.
by JeRzEEb0i September 11, 2010
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A post recession initiative set out by the 1% lead by Tom Perkins. With a net worth of over $8 Billion and growing, Tom has set out to save the 1% by declaring that the richest 1% are more equal than the rest of the 99%. Therefore, a person paying their fair share of taxes should get that equally in votes. Thus, eroding any opportunity of an American Dream and deeming the rest of the 99% unimportant. Some theories around the Initiative of the 1% are giving Tom Perkins all the money in the world and have him playfully wave it in the presence of starving children while dropping off the worlds currency to other billionaires who follow in his footsteps. Tom has devoted his life to money and feels that the Initiative to save the 1% ties in to how valued you are as a human being.
Person A: It's crazy to see in the future that there are less and less scientists and more and more McDonalds factory workers making ends meat.

Person B: True. The news just wrote a story about The Tom Perkins Initiative and it's role in turning all College Institutions in the last 30 years into Corporations to enhance shareholder value.
by oj.did.itzzz February 19, 2014
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When you fuck your dog in the ass and then go to your wife/girlfriend and ask for a blow-job.
Jim: So what did you do on the weekend?
Bob: Went on a Perkin's fishing trip with the missus, but she didn't like the taste.
by shoopdawhoop31231 February 26, 2009
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“Isn’t he an Eric Elijah Perkins the third?”
“Nah I think he’s more of a quelice
by GPerk October 24, 2019
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"Hey he sucks dicks!

"Yeah man he's an Eric Elijah perkins the third. Don't judge. Its 2019."
by T.R_BeatArmy92 October 23, 2019
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