evidently it's an older expression referring to something that is crazy or unbelievable. I heard it used on an old episode of the Twilight Zone recently, but had never heard the expression before.
such an outlandish story proved "the bull is off the nickle".
by free ale January 2, 2010
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A chick that thinks she looks good but looks more like a 5 than a 10
You see any dime pieces here at Mansion, all I see is a bunch of double nickle chicks.
by C Los Brown February 24, 2008
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When a guy fucks a european chick in the belly button and ejaculates into it
by DacFarren November 11, 2006
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Sam) I walked in on Nick Shaking The Nickle Bush last night.
Steve) No way, thats nasty. i thought he stopped doing that in public.
by Overkill1994 June 24, 2009
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The act of placing a nickle on the toe of your shoe, subduing a jackass, and kicking him in the rectum repeatedly.
Give me your lunch money Billy, or I'll give you the nickle-shitz.
by Mongo March 27, 2005
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A women that is a 9/10. So damn close...
Guy 1: "Damn, that bitch is a dime
Guy 2: "Nah man, more like a nickle and four pennies.
by TheEnd152 March 6, 2011
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