When you get in a fight and get extremely angry, allowing you to beat the hell out of even stronger opponents, now that your strenght and confidence are boosted.
A:That fool just hit your car, dude.
B:*Gets in rage mode* I'm gonna beat the shit outta him!
*B then punches that guy's face, knocking him out immediately*
by UltraPimp June 23, 2013
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The act or actions which is considered niggy or nig like. Especially in the act of trying to act like a nig. You can go into nig mode any time and will guarantee a W. Most often channeled through listening to Chief Keef.
When Ethan found out he was getting in a fight he decided to go nig mode to guarantee a win. He decided to sag his pants and listen to chief keef.
by Nigjaymode February 19, 2016
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The state of being completely focused on and only on training. In monk mode, there are no women, no alcohol, no fun, ONLY training.
Animal was going monk mode and therefore refused to be distracted, in any way, from his training.
by Commando May 20, 2004
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A code word for smoking marijuana when talking over the internet/text/facebook so relatives and bitchmade friends don't start dro-blocking.
Hey man, after the game tonight we should go over behind the bleachers; burn mode man.

It's getting awful stale in here, burn mode after church.

After you throw oil on the firepit we should go right into burn mode.
by Jee See Em August 15, 2010
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When sombody is angry and annoyed so they look like a frog
Rock bog was in frog mode cuz he didnt go to key west

Carry_NugKill looks like a frog when hes mad
by Froggy frog mode2004 September 25, 2020
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To emulate Saddam Hussein's strategy of being a really aggressive mother fucker in getting what you want, specifically bitches. One who goes into "Saddam Mode" will stop at virtually nothing in order to acheive his goal of bringing home a 'ho, most likely to Donkey Punch and Abraham Lincoln the shit out of her. If applied improperly, Saddam Mode may result in incarceration.
Holy shit, did you see that bitch CB took home? That nigga was in Saddam Mode tonight.
by Roshambo April 5, 2008
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- that moment of clarity after nutting where you become devoid of all desires
- when an individual becomes one with everything and one with himself after a good-ass nut
Person 1: You got a date with Beatrice by 13 : 00, dude. What are you doing in your room?!
Person 2: Going into Sage Mode.
Person 1: What?
Person 2: What?
by PenguinButter June 28, 2019
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