Megan is a girl that is loved by all who meet her. Once you meet her it's hard to forget her. All the boys come after her... She is adored by all. When she comes to hang out with the squad it's lit AF.
Megan's the most wonderful friend I've ever had.
by hmmmmm.him? December 30, 2016
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A very funny, outgoing, smart, klutzy, crazy, and at moments a "blond" per say. She loves everything about life and lives it to the fullest, a megan also loves to argue and knows how to get her way.
Wow, she acts like a Megan.
by chill_fool January 1, 2010
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Sexy smart and a beautiful girl she's got dark brown hair and cares about her friends. She's likely to date boys called Jamie or Ryan she's very trustworthy and likes sports she is always there to support you
Megan is so hot I love her so much
by Sherbert August 29, 2017
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She is the sweetest person on earth, and is loved by everybody. She's very random, crazy at times and is the life of the party. She's the easiest person to talk to and she never judges anybody. She's intelligent, hilarious, loves to write and she is an amazing artist. She's incredibly beautiful inside and out, even though she doesn't know it. She's the most amazing friend I have ever met, and I'm so glad I met her. She's like a sister to me and I love her very much. Thank you for being my best friend. Stay strong.
Megan is my best friend. <3
by vickey697 February 15, 2012
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Megan is a very beautiful girl with long brown hair that she usually wears in a pony tail. Shes very caring and mostly calm, but she knows how to have a good time! She is very sporty and tall.
Megan is my BFF!
by Ally_gator11 October 25, 2016
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One of the nicest people you will ever know. She will be there for you through thick and thin, completely loyal and trustworthy. She is great to laugh with but is the first person you go to if you need to talk or vent. Shes organised and dedicated, smart and witty. She's great at balancing different aspects of her life, loves to hang with friends and im so glad ive met her. my life wouldnt be complete without meg, she's like a sister to me.
I just had the biggest laughing fit with Meg
I was feeling sad but i spoke to Megan about it and im ok now
My closest friend would have to be Megan, she makes me so happy
by Eilatan1993 March 7, 2010
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