A Keira is the most beautiful girl on this world but she doesn’t know it. Everyone aspires to look like a Keira. A Keira will not see her beauty herself Instead she sees all her imperfections. She is the life of the party. She can get a lot of men’s attention but will always be stuck on one boy. A Keira is a very artsy person and is very determined. She is a very kind loving girl but if you let her down she will snap back because she is a boss ass bitch. A Keira gives the best advice. A Keira is a crazy person and has the best personality to be around.
Guy #1 : yo did you see Keira at the party last night she looked hot !

Guy #2 : yeah she was so fun last night, I wish she would give other guys a chance

Girl #1 : I would love to be Keira, she’s so brave and will stick up for you
by Milly banes April 13, 2020
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Scared of everything. Doesn’t understand dirty jokes.
Person: Keira! *Touches shoulder*
Keira: AAHHHH!!!!
by Kyra From School May 18, 2019
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Keira is a badass and will piss people off on purpose. However, she just likes to mess around with you for fun, if she does then she really like you and enjoys being around you. She is funny, kind and stunning. She has lots of friends but has her inner circle. Keira is usually blonde above 5” and has blue/grey eyes. Keira is very attractive and loads of boys have a crush on her even though she might not see it.
Boy1: omg I’m talking to this girl and she is so funny and nice and she is soo good looking.
Boy2: really? Wow that’s a rare combination is she called Keira?

Boy1: ye she is that’s probably why.
by Gucci_calling January 3, 2020
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Everybody secretly loves this girl. She may not know until she is a teenager, but her reaction to a first boyfriend will be priceless. Parents will be proud of her and she will experience great change in her life.
Guy 1: Hey.....I kinda like Keira
Guy 2: Really.......well this is awkward
Guy 1: Why say that?

Guy 2: Because I like her too!
Guy 3: You better stop talking about my girlfriend!
Guys 1&2: Girlfriend!?!
Girl 1: Her reaction to his question was priceless and made my heart melt!!
by TheFabSquadOfficial October 27, 2020
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Keira is a little bitch she if a moody theifing cunt if u know a keira hide your money, makeup, perfume, And boyfriend coz she is also a slag and will go with pretty much anymore you could even describe her as a bicycle coz everybody knows she’s a slag so anyone can get a free ride( a free shag)
Keira is a slag
by Tyler Elliot November 15, 2019
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A un-selfless bitch that always thinks she is right.Sometimes she is nice but often things she is the queen bee.Keira's often like "Devon"
Keira is queen bee but she's actually a bitch that thinks she's it.
by Youknowwhoiamsister2015 July 26, 2015
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a girl extremely beautiful and inteligient and knows how to party. she is always laughing and making innaporpriet jokes.she has ALL the guys fighting over her and toys with them all, but when in a relationship, shes loyal af. shes nice and a supportive friend and will always be there for you.she isnt afraaid to speak her mind and will tell you if youre wrong. if you find a keira, keep her forever. btw, keira is super thicc and sexy.
Keira is so sexy!!

Wow, is that Keira???
by kikieatsbutt May 7, 2019
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