This is a way of deciding seating in a vehicle. Once the driver proclaims "Jedi Run!", the passengers must sprint to the car. The first person to touch the front passenger seat door handle is victorious, and the seat is theirs. This trumps a "Shot gun", as the driver has final say so on who sits where, unless he is driving in replacement of one of the passengers, who is the actual owner.

Any arguments over the winner are up to the driver's decision.
Passenger 1: Shot gun!
Passenger 2: Damn it!
Driver: Jedi Run!

Both immediately sprint to the door, where upon passenger 1 touches the handle first, thus affirming his seat in the front.
by ChimeraScythe December 1, 2006
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One who is skilled with the interwebs and affiliated things, and enjoys delivering pwnage to n00bs and watching pr0n.
Ron: Man, you can find the weirdest pr0n
Raph: lol
Ron: You're an interwebs jedi
by rabidinfest November 18, 2007
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The Last Jedi is to take something with great momentum and enjoyment, and then completely ruin the fun in it because you think you’re an intellectual
“Hey Rian look at this cool drawing I made!”
“Wow JJ that’s really cool, allow me to wipe my musty cheeks with it!”
“Aw, why did you The Last Jedi my cool drawing Rian?”
by AJsw77 October 13, 2018
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Jedi day is May 4th - May the Fourth (be with you) - as in:
May the Force be with you, what the Jedis in Starwars saw to each other.
'Hey - it's Jedi Day!'
'Yeah - may the fourth be with you!'
by fennec_fox May 4, 2006
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To mess up on a huge scale, but blame everyone else for the problems it causes
Jeremy: Yeah Rian shit on George's paper he was writing and punched me in the balls, but when I got mad at him he went and told the teacher that I was the one who shit on the paper and he punched me in self defense and said I was being a Man Baby.

Ivan:Sounds like he pulled a "The Last Jedi"
by MR donde July 4, 2018
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When everyone sits in a row (or circle). Each person has something to smoke weed from and they simultaneously smoke and pass. Everyone is always smoking something.. in the jedi fashion!
"Last night was awesome, John and I smoked three bowls and then watched That 70s Show forever"
"Pshht... we did jedi counsel for an hour"
by Emilee K. January 23, 2009
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Pleasuring yourself with your mind just like a Jedi would.
Guy:"Do you know what i did yesturday"

Dude:"No what?"

Guy:"I was Jedi Jerking next to your mom"
by NHViolator January 17, 2014
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