A.K.A. o0: Pronounced oh 0h. Training to be The First Maxed Granite Maul/Accumulator Pure In Runescape.
"No o0 i o i 00, I will not fight you! You're stats are crazy!"
"Don't Fight o0"
by o0 March 19, 2009
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when you are a gay robot and someone wishes you good luck in finding a really nice guy, but you already have, and it's that person
"I think I just did. Marty, will you go to the prom with me?"
by super smart May 16, 2007
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When something bad or something that must be kept a secret happens you pretend you didn’t see it at all.
girl a: *kicks man in da balls*
teacher: *turns around as if she did not see cause man deserved that shit*
also teacher: “I pretend I do not see”
by penis enlargement serum December 29, 2021
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The sound some cultures make when celebrating. The I I I's can sometimes go on for much longer than expected.
My neighbors were having a party all you could hear for hours was Rrrrrrrr Aahhh Ah I I I.
by just plain had enough November 12, 2009
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When a girl says "I wish I had a dick " , she means she wishes she could masturbate easier . She says this because her clitoris is not sensitive so , she has to give into buying a 40 dollar vibrator to masturbate. She just wishes it was as easy for her, as it is for a man to masturbate .
" I wish I had a dick"
" why so?"
" idk I wish I had a dick"
by Wackgirlshit April 8, 2019
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writer’s defense when using factual information from research that was not clearly cited from its original source.
This essay about Einstein is amazing but what part of the paragraph was his knowledge and what part was from the book? I’m sure he'll say "I swear I did some research," but I need to see which information comes from the book.
by azizy15 November 22, 2011
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A phrase used to describe an area where you would imagine an axe murderer living. Can also reference Brooklyn.
Joe: *drives onto a stretch of deserted highway surrounded by forest.

Ashley: I think i saw this in a horror movie.
by DazIsAKiller April 24, 2010
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