"Fer the boys!" is relating to some sort of accomplishment that you achieved, and are dedicating that accomplishment to your friends, or people on your team in a sport etc. Like saying "For France!" Naming the accomplishment in honor of something. Sort of like, "fer the boys!"
"I just got a hat trick in hockey fer the boys!"
by Colby MacDonald May 28, 2006
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a substitute word for "fer sure" used by some people from the islands. Usually accompanied by a hand gesture \mn/.
bro 1: dude we should totally go work out later!
bro 2 : bro, fer Shaka ill meet you there!
by kyimmer April 14, 2013
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A phrase that can be used in situations where you would otherwise say "for sure" or describe something as "chill". Saying "fer" instead of "for" is simply slang that has developed.
Hey bro, want to go get some food?
Yeah, I'm down fer chill.

Hey bro, what did you think of the game last night?
That game was fer chill.
by goober281 September 27, 2010
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A way of Gaining 2 things for the price of 1.
i got the head in one hand, the body in the other, so im thinking two-fer two-fer! So i take the head, stick it right up my ass, the snakes are goin crazy, i take the body, turn it around stick my wammy right up the ass. then the body starts shakin. instant orgasm 2 for 1.
by Matt "Kratos" Hoffman August 22, 2006
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Its when you want to do something and ypur friends are agree with you.
hey yoshi lets go to Chateu Blanc!. yoshi: Fer Fer enough!!!
by fiki December 30, 2004
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