The common dab (Limanda limanda) is an edible flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae. It is a demersal fish native to shallow seas around Northern Europe, in particular the North Sea, where it lives on sandy bottoms down to depths of about 100 metres (330 ft).
The Danish man caught quite the big dab on his trip.
by Haychez April 16, 2016
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Delete A Bitch
dab it out
Brenda: OMG that fuckboi Justin just sent me a K.
Me: God Brenda just DAB
by Birch_br April 3, 2016
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A Drunk- Ass Bitch
Friend 1: "Oh, man, I'm so hungover."
Friend 2: " Yeah, you were such a dab last night!"
by freethefire July 14, 2015
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A motion where a person will bow their head and touch their forehead to the inside of one elbow, while sweeping their other arm to keep it parallel with the forehead-elbow arm. Commonly used as a celebration by athletes during sporting events
Wow, even Lebron has started dabbing after scoring!
by emboda January 26, 2016
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Atlanta term used to describe dance move (bowing head into elbow) which represents confidence, accomplishment, and pride.
-and dab. and dab.
by atlqueen November 13, 2015
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Down Ass Bitch...a girl that is chill enough to hang with all the guys and is able to keep up...they are pretty much the coolest girls you will ever meet and will give you a run for your money. OBV they are usually hott too!!!
I can take my girl out any where with me because she's a DAB, I'll even take her out with all my boys.
by Karzykk January 3, 2006
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Sticking your finger in your own cum and tasting it
Cold is a faggot because he likes to dab his own cum
by xslasherx December 21, 2013
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