Hi, I'm Chris Bosh. I'm a stat-stuffing, playoff-missing, overrated, overpaid, underachieving, self-absorbed loser. Follow me on Twitter.
by 90sNBAcenters July 2, 2010
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“Like a Bosh” idiom, ~2010: When someone or something desires the limelight only to wilt under the newfound pressure.
Skeets: What's going on? What's wrong?
Tas: The stapler, I just bought it. The guy at the store said, "it is great, it's going to work well." And it is not working. At all.
Skeets: Oh yeah, like a Bosh.
Tas: Huh?
Skeets: Like a bosh. The stapler, you thought it was going to be awesome. You get it, it sucks. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't even staple.
Tas: What do you mean?
Skeets: Like a Bosh.
by RuPaul of Big Men November 17, 2010
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To get extremely drunk / high
Most commonly referred to as a term for taking pills or mdma.
Wayne: Yeah bruv got some pills off jose manuel last night innit
Jeremy: Oh marvellous my good friend, how was that for you?
Wayne: Yeah bra, got turbo boshed innit
by Milbs January 21, 2008
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I saw that couple having a bosh when i walked in the bathroom!
by Jaywoody July 10, 2009
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Used to accentuate the meaning of the word it follows.
That was so stupid bosh.

Last night was awesome bosh
by Hoss The Boss March 28, 2005
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To make an audio edit in real time.
Walter: No time for fancy edits Randy, bosh it in on the fly.
by [js] June 15, 2006
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“Like a Bosh” idiom, ~2010: When someone or something desires the limelight only to wilt under the newfound pressure.
Trying to be a champ and playing like a rookie''Like a Bosh''
by TDS1984 November 18, 2010
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