is a driver on the road that tale gates , cuts other cars off and zig zags in traffic.
Who is that tale gating me? An Audi Driver.
by AudiDriverhater September 20, 2012
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An audi built on really cheap and noticeably bad aftermarket parts, also known as Ricer, but more specific to Audis. Mostly from lower income areas, but could also be seen in a more wealthy version, also known as stancing. The W=Wish, which pokes fun at the online discount store, Wish.
"Hey Bobby, I was driving through a town and saw an Audi W".
"Golly! You have to love those tight-asses who want a German luxury car, but can't afford the bill for one"!

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot to mention the people who love abusing cars by adding too much camber to the wheels"!
"What does that do"?
"Well, it essentially makes your car worthless by having it so low to the ground, you could run over an ant with your bumper and get stuck on speed bumps. The one good thing about it is that we can pick out who's the biggest attention whore at car shows".
by Audilover861 February 16, 2019
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A mid-priced high performance coupe, which competes with the BMW M3 and the Mercedes c63 amg. Though it's second in the run right behind the M3, it's first in being prototypal; you don't see these every day, and if you do, the lucky one driving it, is original in vogue
I respect him for buying the Audi RS5, he took a different route and didn't hop on the bandwagon
by MotorHead January 4, 2014
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A group of middle aged men, trying there utmost not to have a mid life crisis. They think they own the road. They seem to think they look cool. When in actual fact they’re simply an ‘Audi Wanker’.
by Kel-Kel :) August 8, 2018
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Someone who is allowed to do 120mph on any road, go through red lights, kill cyclists, stop in bus stops and private parking bays.

An Audi Driver which is female, however, will drive everywhere at 10mph, Sit through green lights and then speed through red and Park in the middle of the road for 7 years when on a school run.
GUY:Did you hear about that pile up on the motorway last week ?

ME: Audi Driver ?

GUY: Yes.

MAN: I was rear ended on the M3 yesterday, Audi Driver of course
by real life definitions September 24, 2013
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The Alpha Idiot personified. A materialistic, simple-minded buffoon who assumes the world bends to his/ her very presence, especially when tailgating on high speed motorways, crossing red lights too late, never letting people cross at pelican crossings, assuming the speed limits is always at least 20% more when he/she assumes the driver's position in their car.

Confident in the knowledge that their Seat/ Skoda/ VW- alike car is the bee's knees, even though they paid up to 40% more for the pleasure of being seen in a different frock.

If it isn't already, then they would like their surname to be Jones. Ahhh..the generalisation of it all.
by Audi the driver March 27, 2014
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A way to say we are out of here. Audi 500
We are Audi 500 see ya!
by Audi 500 March 22, 2018
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