greasy person who i never h/u with. I can do MUCH better. he just started jacking off in front of me and then tried to kiss me with his iraqi tounge that was prob. down his dads throat
by maria February 22, 2003
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when some one goes into extreme detail about a story that nobody really cares about and never gets to the point.
wow, she is seriously haveing an AM!
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A guy that doesn't have a big d*ck but love gaming and good at it. He is lonely(not at all).
Hi, Nick, you are an ame:)
by Emma 2942 June 24, 2020
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A midget who is scared of the beast. She often meets up with her seal at bus stops to talk and laugh about beastly things.
by thebeastly January 17, 2010
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Super pansexual woman, fucks everyone before the age of 18
You're such a fucking Amely!
by Green Space Dorito December 1, 2017
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Scary, tall, flat funny
A flat which means has no tiddys and ass Slovakian human that has a very good sense of humor and makes people laugh and is tall as in has a tall penis and height

"Wow that person must be a Amely"
by Kaiden four-dimensional June 2, 2019
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