A hard but sweet candy shape like a circle. Little kids love to eat these when they go to chuckie cheeses.
Mommy can i get a lollipop with the tickets i got.
by legit as shit July 11, 2008
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A more fun way of saying lol when you have already said lol too many times
A: *some joke*
B: lollipop
A: wtf does that mean
B: lol (duh)
by theshoster1 December 31, 2016
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The result of the violent insertion one's thumb into another's butt hole is one's thumb topped with a perfect amount of feces. The resulting thumb is ideally prepared for licking by any party involved or not.
If you don't stop being ornery, I'm going to tie you up and make a lollipop!
by indiefriend May 16, 2008
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This is the act of a women shoving her finger with fake large nails on it up a males or even females ass in an act of rape and the victim takes a shit and when the attacker removes her nail there is a lump of shit on it
Gary gave a lollipop to some slag that tried to stick her finger up his bum in the shed
by Violation92 April 12, 2010
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to lick or suck a mans wang
Shawnna asked what is the normal size of a 17 yr old mans peniss, I told her and she said when she got home she died laughing. I asked her how do you know? did he whip it out and show you or did you lollipop it?
by Taylirr May 20, 2008
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{In frount of a large group of males aside to a friend}
Emo-weeker: Do you have errrm.....I could REALy use a lollipop right about now...
Friend:in the little pocket
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