A type of women/girls that shows their ass/tits (in clothes) for likes and comment
Look at Jessica on Facebook! Jeez, I think she’s doing it for the clout! Which is a clout chaser
by FaZeDecoy May 14, 2022
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A Girl (or guy) that chases a man desperately and wants to do him so badly
May I have your attention please, will all dingiling chasers please report to the dance floor
by Rob da man April 25, 2011
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A zipper chaser is a gay man who gauges who he will pursue in a club, according to how much a man's penis makes his zipper stand out of his pants.
"Jesse, after we get drinks let's hang by the restroom. Oh Chris, you're such a zipper chaser."
by Rio Jonz January 14, 2019
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A sneaky little devil that tries to date flight attendants to use their flight benefits.
John: Ay baby girl heard you are a flight attendant. Wanna hook me up with some free tix?

FA: Bro I don’t even know you. Typical benny chaser move.
by Martha’sBloomers69 October 12, 2018
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Guys who only chase girls who win. (definition by dylanisintrouble)
Bill is dating Miss Florida. He's such a tiara chaser.
by greenery111 September 4, 2021
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Guys who only chase girls who win
"Bill is dating Miss Florida. He is such a tiara chaser."
by greenery111 September 4, 2021
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