Hot babe is when someone is smoking hot there's even ranks
A babe someone who's kinda attractive

A hot babe someone who is attractive

A mega babe someone who is extremely attractive

A ultra babe someone who is so hot that they're on fire
Lucas is such a hot babe man 😍
by Zoe _ Laverne April 20, 2022
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A babe who is correct. A fine babe. Another word for this is Sandra.
by Sparkles627 June 30, 2022
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A stem babe is someone who studies stem, slays continuously, and is mad peng innit bruv
Person 1: damn did you see that Eliza gyal in chem she’s so fit
Person 2: And smart bro

Person 1: she’s a stem babe fr
by Humanitieshater September 29, 2022
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A woman who works in modelling industry and is considered at their peak
Man she’s an ITP Babe alright! (She’s gorgeous alright)
by Modelfan October 11, 2021
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The sexiest girl you'll ever meet. Cute, funny, skinny, amazing, and a great imagination.
by Anthony Goldizen November 6, 2016
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Another term for the Drumline to be called Battery Babes the drumline must vote and have the majority of the members agree. Battery Babes are always amung the most elite of drumlines
The Kennedy drumline filled with Battery Babes!
Why does the Jefferson drumline have no Battery Babes?
by ScottyBoi67 August 5, 2019
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