n. when your acid trip doesn’t follow gps to fun, colorful adventure, but it is still a trip
Dude. Where did you get that LSD? I saw a dragon eat my mom. Total fu@king field trip.
by Keleigh April 17, 2021
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A trip out into the “wild” or the culture of a city. A.k.A a cultural adventure
by #PVTENNIS December 27, 2018
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A field property financially ignorant, selling property owners emit.
Dr. Crom paid $200,000 on a house where the windows do not even meet the walls in South Park. Realty distortion field detected.
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The person that sucks your toenails off
It's like a 3 am challenge but it's not 3 am

often meets up with an aaron to engage in sexual relationships
"Chad 1 : You done 5 nights at freddies dude?"
"Chad 2: Nah fuck that bro dont wanna get my toenails licked from Freddie fields"
by coolDud369 June 3, 2020
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The most amazing man in the entire world. He is strong and brave. You can always count on him to be there when you need him. He'll love you for who you are and you can trust him to always be honest with you. He's one of a kind.
by Allisonmarie May 18, 2016
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A warehouse located in industrial areas that used to sell lamps and other lighting accesories that have now been converted into a warehouse for kitchen appliances such as Kettles.
by Bouy Stantefeld December 1, 2003
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