”When’s the funeral?”
”On the 1st of April.”
”You mean April Fool's Day?”
by GabrieltheGamer April 1, 2020
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April fools day - Usually celebrated on the 1st day of April by people performing practical jokes on each other in the name of fun.

The year 2020 saw the definition expand as the event became a global pandemic which lasted from January 1st to December 31st as the whole year was deemed a “JOKE”
I was looking forward to 2020 but it’s turned into one big April Fools Day 🤦🏼 ♂️
by da_lyricist March 31, 2020
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"this you?"- Person 1 (dully fool in question)
"that isn't me you dully fool" -Person 2
by fullydully April 15, 2021
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Fool a friend day is on the 15th of April every year,You must fool a friend by telling them a lie or even tricking them.
“I only have 4 years left to life “
Omg no
“Haha not really it’s fool a friend day
by Jessiefarrell04 April 15, 2019
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(n.)That friend that you really just want to tell “It’s over man, move on,” but you find that it is much more fun to mess with him in close to every way possible.
I got my sick fool of a brother to take me to the movies because the girl he’s drooling over works there.
by thisisformyproject November 30, 2009
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This quote is similar to Ludacris' song "Act a fool", from 2Fast2Furious, which means "acting like a fool, in a desperate way" aka "last resort, trump card". However, this one means "act like a fool, while you're smarter than everyone else". Or in other words, "Trolling 101". It may be similar in some situations.... =)

"Act the fool" also means, in some countries, "fazer-se de parvo".
Crowd: "haha, that guy is such a tool! Let's make fun of him!!"
Guy 1: (thinking w/ a grin) "hehe.... they think I'm a fool. I'll show them!"
Guy 2: "Yeah man.... Act the fool..." (thumbs up)
by PTwriter September 29, 2017
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