wiggly classics is a shitty wiggles tribute that act like their professional there just so fucking trash that i wanna die
what makes wiggly classics no 1 is that we talk bullshit about other groups we think we are better because we know how to use scripts rigs and shit
by snakes# December 28, 2021
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in Czech language: "Klasické GG"
means saying gg in an emotional way, expressing you are screwed up.
In English:
Guy A: Hey we didn't pass the test.
Guy B: This is Classic GG.

In Czech:
Chábr A: Hej nedali jsme ten test s Habibim.
Chábr B: Tak to je klasické GG.
by frayer April 30, 2023
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A person who is outspokenly racist, and is unashamed of that fact.
by Frederick Grumbledink September 14, 2022
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A person who is openly racist, and unashamed of that fact.
That man isn’t just racist, he’s classically based
by Frederick Grumbledink September 13, 2022
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When a British person comes online with the intention of spamming dnc in group chats
Person: Asks a question or says a statement

Fade: dnc monkey

Everyone in said group chat: Always pulling a fade classic....
by WhiteCop January 17, 2021
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When you're doing anal with your partner, then go soft to pee in their butt. You let your junk marinate in piss (like a cucumber turning into a pickle), then once you pull out, you drink the pickle juice.
"Dude, did you hear? Randy gave Kurt the ol' Vlasic Classic last night!"
by anongonwild November 10, 2017
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“I got fired and now I have to shill for the conservatives so I don’t have to be a slave like the rest of the peasants 😢” ~ Fine one “classical liberal” who doesn’t have this exact backstory.... Go ahead.... I’ll wait... I actually DARE you to find a single one that doesn’t have this backstory. Classical liberals are the “Vindicators” of modern society.
Hym “Hey, Classical liberal... what do you believe?”

Classical liberal “Well, I believe whatever I need to believe to wield my grotesquely limited skill set against the populous...”

Hym “But what do you REALLY believe?”

Classical liberal “wHaT dO yOu mEaN bY bElIeVe!?!?!?”

Hym “Tsssk 🤦 ♂️.... Jesus Christ... Yeah... I see why you were fired... Ok. Hold on... Ok, I just started a business. You’re officially my first employee.”

Classical liberal “No thanks I...”

Hym “You’re fired.... Aw God, yeah...That’s better. Sorry but it’s almost impossible to NOT fire someone as tedious as you, I mean, holy shit! 😩 That feels so much better!”

Classical liberal “Iam! Please you have to hire me I’ll say whatever you want! 😭”

Iam “Wha... I... I don’t own a business. What are you... You didn’t even want the job! Stop... You're getting snot on me...”

Classical Liberal “PLEASE!!” 😭

Iam “I... I don’t know what to do here... You got fired by Hym so now you’re groveling at my feet for a job because... I’m the opposite? You don’t have to... I think he’s doing a bit... Are... Are you a part of the bit? I don’t understand what’s happening here...”

Hym “He can’t help it Iam... It’s in his nature. You have to hire him. If you don’t he’ll have to be like everyone else and work for his money! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!”
by Hym Iam November 23, 2022
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