the almighty creator of the league of dinglefards
Obama: let me offer you my family as a payment, sir dinglefard
by cacafard420 July 21, 2022
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Someone who is a legend for engaging in casual sex with many different women.
Haters: "Yeah I'll go to the club tonight, but I hope Sir Smashalot aint gonna show up!
Lovers: Yeah I'll go to the club tonight, but only if Sir Smashalot gonna be there! OK????
by The Double E August 27, 2023
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The most annoying person in the whole fucking world.
OMG. Sir Richard just stepped on my foot he is soooooo annoying
by imboredsoiuseurbandictionary February 14, 2019
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A disguise phrase for "Kill Yourself" also known as "KYS", usually quoted after being mislead and pranked online.
User 1: Hey, does anyone have the link to the new Ice Spice vid?
User 2: Here you go.. inserts link of two men kissing or a rickroll
User 1: kind young sir.
by elvirus June 18, 2024
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sir sammy is the most perfect boy you will ever meet. he respects you and makes you feel happy, he doesn’t make you feel uncomfy and likes you for you when you meet him you will never want to let him go :) ~love miss madi
“sir sammy is the best person ever
by miss madi July 9, 2021
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the person that makes you feel your worth something (don’t let go of him)
sir sammy is the. eat person you will ever meet
by miss madi July 9, 2021
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Undead creature with no life. It does not need to sleep or eat. Term often used to determine players that play Massive Online Multiplayer Games all day and all night and they dont have enough.
Dude, stop playing this shitty game! You're becoming sir zombie! You need to make some friends
by Anonymouss__ May 3, 2008
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