Today is National women in uniform day!
So go appreciate all the hot and amazing women in uniforms<3
National Women In Uniforms Day Is amazing!
by QueenNavy October 17, 2022
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Cafe woman was a popular phrase used in the 1940's thru the 1980's for a loose woman in the African American community that frequented clubs and cafe's that played blues music from a juke box. She was a woman that hung out in such establishments usually drunk or drinking. She was normally scantily dressed, with a top on that was too small for her breast. They are very loud when they talked, ill manners and would carry assorted weapons like a knife, small pistol or a straight razor in their bra or purse. They normally come to the club alone of with another cafe woman.
Cafe women are sexually loose and loud women that get drunk and hang out in blues cafes.

"Terry's sister was dressed like a cafe woman with her breast all out. I smelled alcohol on her breath, and when she leaned forward to pick up the keys she dropped, a straight razor fell out from between her breasts!!!"
by 82663 January 2, 2022
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The most supportive positive place a woman can go with no judgement .usually gone to in pairs.
I’m feeling really sad can we go to the womens bathroom together
by Kenziee2 November 11, 2022
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Man that guy Slade looks like the type of person who would smash some zulu women.
by kidpriest May 9, 2018
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Being women bound occurs when one of the boys is in a relationship and is dedicated to being with his gf. It often causes the women bound victim to prioritize his time with his gf and make silly choices like violating bro code, being a half sender and just overall being a lame. Severe cases tend to be caused by the female wearing the pants in the relationship.
"Yo bro you ready for that party tonight herd its gonna be a banger"
"Yeah the whole squad is gonna be there... well except pete"
"Yeah I heard emma didnt want to come so he is staying home too"
"Bummer, being women bound like that must not be very fun"
"Ikr pete should be out sending with the boys"
by 69JOEMAMA69 February 8, 2020
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The only place you will find women that are working was in the DDR.
Guys, our company is loosing money, I think we'll have to fire somebody...

OR... We can pay women workers half of what we guys earn.
by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023
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A Lemon Taste in Women, or a Sour Taste in Women is when you have resentful or dissapointing taste in women.

People usually associate this taste with ugly, unpassionate, or just toxic women in general.
"I like women that stomp on me and treat me like shit."

"Bro, you got a lemon taste in women."
by Remanterm January 1, 2023
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