santi you should grind my gears”
okay sabrina maybe i will😏”
by saltysanty October 13, 2020
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to make a person SO ANGRY that their Gears are effectively Ground.
by P-Grizzy-Expert March 11, 2022
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When you grind in a game you hate, usually complaining about how unfun the game is and grinding out of pure hatred
"Ugh I fucking hate this game!"
"Then why are you playing it for 10 hours a day?"
"I am hate grinding!"
by The Cursed guy February 27, 2022
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When a couple can slow dance with their button fly 501's linked together.
megan and todd buttoned the levis together and commenced to do the bolder grind!
by Skippy Somerset August 22, 2017
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A person who's grind really never sleeps. They banging the grind 24/7
"She pulled an all-nighter and still went to her basket ball practices and two games! She's a grind banger for sure!"
by Summeyyy June 4, 2017
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The act of using the opposite nostril you’re accustomed to, whilst doing cocaine.
After three straight days of partying I couldn’t breathe outta my right nostril, so I had to pull a Switch Nose Grind
by hellakellerd November 6, 2019
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when you attempt a 50-50 on on a ledge or rail while riding a skateoard, you dont pop enough and your back truck doesnt make it on.(like a backwards smith gring)
"Bro you fuckin suck, quit doin penis grinds and land it."
by Harri Balsonya March 4, 2009
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