is the definition of weird
is the definition of annoying
is the definition of sweet
is the definition of terrifying
is the definition of mean

is the definition of HA HA HA HA HA
by ihweifnwlkewg January 30, 2022
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Paige is very loyal. Once she likes someone she never lets go. She is so short you will think she’s a preschooler. Her and her gf/bf will stay together 4 ever once she finally gets the nerve to ask them out.... She likes licorice and nuts
This is my friend Paige she likes nuts and licorice
by Dumbpapi May 14, 2019
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She is always there for you until you annoy her. She loves her friends and her family but she will drop you just like that.
Paige used to be my BFF
by Girlygirl2006 June 1, 2022
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Paige is the most amazing person on earth its said that she is a paragon of all things good and true she can lift anyone's spirits just with her presence she motivates others every time she speaks her words Transend over lifetimes name a famous quote and she said it first Like " Do I shoot him will or do I aim to the sky ". her beauty is unmatched by anyone on earth in fact she is so beautiful she can heal anyone just by entering the same room as them and not just physically but mentally and emotionally to her eyes are like a vast ocean and if you look into them for to long you will get lost in their beauty her smile is as bright as the sun her hair flows through the wind with such grace and she always smells like Rich amber the effect of her love on a person lasts a lifetime some even say it grants a person permeant good fortune and health so if your lucky enough to be blessed with her love you can rest easy knowing you will always be ok. In summary Paige is the worlds solution she will end all of the worlds problems as its Symbol of Peace and anyone who she considers a friend is very lucky as they've just secured the most loyal, kind, caring, trusting, forgiving, and all around best friend in the observable universe
Paige Is Amazing
by Your Tommy April 22, 2021
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Albert/flamingo's editor

Addicted to flamingo's brown hair
"Paige, please edit that out ;-;"
by FlamingoFangirl December 17, 2019
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This right here is what you call perfect and brings joy and happiness when she's around
Oh look, the goddess Paige is here
by Nate Garland May 20, 2023
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My best friend in the whole world and I love her so much and she is the best! She is super fashionable and swaggy. She wants to travel the world and have corgy and maybe even a duck. Paige also loves competition and is very good at volleyball. I love her and anyone that hurts her better be aware that her best friend will hurt you even more🤪
Paige is the best
Paige is my bestie lol
by Piggy_lover123 February 20, 2021
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