A guy who is so sweaty at fortnite he cant even spell not.

ttv btw
I don t go to scool i play fartknighte so muc, im suc a Knot Jet
by Riarm November 28, 2018
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it cannot melt steel beams !
You know the saying “Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams
by .u August 9, 2019
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Something that cannot melt steel beams, but can weaken steel beams.
Person A: Why does my water taste funny?
Person B: Because what you're drinking is actually Jet Fuel.
by PhoenixGamer34 August 6, 2021
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A boat that is propelled by water being thrusted through a impellor inside a housing, Paradise Jet Boating is the best Jet Boating company in Australia and use water jets
Those jet boats are able to go in very shallow water
by 001.427 July 18, 2021
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ejaculation. i'm not too comfy adding any more.
bro, it's no jetting january, why are you looking at belle delphine?!?!?
by the REAL merriam webster January 7, 2021
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Adjective: To continuously tell someone you’re about to take a break from working soon, with no intention of actually taking a break.
Adjective: Jethro wanted to stop and drink some water, but micheal jetted him till the end of the day. Micheals story about jetting jethro, is a hit among the boys at the shed.
by Oscillationsofmind October 5, 2018
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