Gym god
likes girls
fucks moms
father of alice leo aarush umair

caydens advisor
note : dirty aarush likes brian
Adrian is a gym god
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A really skinny guy with gross hair and black skin, they are really good friends but when it goes to romantic it fails, you need an Adrian in your life
Person 1: I hate all man
Person 2: Well my name is Adrian so im very different :)
by JhonStewart November 23, 2021
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masc. one of the most handsome things to have ever graced this earth; known for his strength and having lots of hair everywhere but especially famous for his long hair and beard. He is dependable, faithful, strong, emotional, kind, and patient. Sports are typically of high interest with Adrian with a subtle interest in the stock market. Adrian has the biggest heart known to man but can be monotoned and very blunt. Adrian will treat you like you are worth the world and somehow find a way to give it to you on a silver platter. Adrian is in-tune with his emotions and is not afraid to show it. His dominance radiates the room and he doesn't even have to try to make his presence known. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and is unapologetically himself. He is typically extroverted but somehow knows everybody and many people adore him.
Wow Adrian, how is it that you call yourself an introvert but somehow know everyone here?

Did you see Adrian helping out last night? Isn't he the sweetest boy?
by borimeetscubano September 11, 2022
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Adrian är en kahp
by Abudella December 11, 2016
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he is a fucking rat.
ew is that Adrian?

yeah, he needs to go back to the sewers..
by cupidsbow.xo August 4, 2022
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1: idk he’s sweet and all but he ain’t loyal, he can’t keep a good thing going & is cause he to attached to all his little hoes

2: he must be a adrian

1: you already know
by damn it’s small too 🤣 August 27, 2018
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she is the BADDEST mf ON EARTH. she a lil ugly sometimes ut hella fine. you have to be carful when talking to adrian because she listens to every word you say out of your mouth. adrian has HELLA anger issues. she just knows how to control them. she only fights if she has to. SHE CAN FIGHT. she might be the happiest person you know but under all that is pain and sadness. she LOVES seafood. she hates being pressured to do anything and she wont give in to peer pressure. she works WONDERS in bed especially if she is a virgin. SHE HATES BEING ON TOP. she is hard to please and loves rough sex. she is a great liar and the best charmer. she is awsome at flirting. she likes to cuddle but gets uncomfy very quickly and i not afraid to tell you. she is weird and loves a good convo. if she gets fed up with your shit she distances herslef. listen when she is talking because sometime she lleaves hints in her words about how she feels.
be carful what you say to adrian she will beat your ass.
by thecybertruthteller November 22, 2021
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