the act of jazzing with no hands while listening to jazz
"Stop talking over this music. I'm close to jazzing over here if I can just concentrate."
by September 14, 2020
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"Ya Like Jazz" is Jeff Bezos's famous last words. RIP Bezos. We really dont miss you, you prick
"Ya like jazz, steve?" "Didnt that one rich asshole say that before he died" "Potentially.."
by Your Mother </3 January 6, 2022
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A Spanish translation of the famous line in the Bee Movie: "Ya like jazz?"
Often used by masters of the Spanish language.
Can convince anyone in to following you or destroy them by the power of memular radiation
Person 1: Te gusta el jazz?
Person 2: *Dies from overexposure to memular gravity*
by Memes, Weapons December 4, 2019
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person 1: "oh boy i cant wait to play jazz jackrabbit"

person 2: "im going to kill you if you play fortnite in my vicinity£"
by MEGQUESTER24 December 14, 2022
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pperson 1 (hopef): oh boy i cant wait to play jazz jackrabbit at home on my fornite epic compute pc ep gayimer
person 2: Dont play fornite in vicintiy of me!£
by MEGQUESTER24 December 14, 2022
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A more polite, southern way of saying fuck that shit
I was going to make an appearance Friday at my friends party but I found out my crazy ex was going and I was like bump that jazz, I'm hitting the bar with co-workers.
by ChrisFnP February 21, 2014
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