Even words, not odd or some time odd or including an odd word : put another way : knowing gibberish; and, are loosing the method for which one can explicably describe the gibberish to enhance or in enhancing an original oration. Easy when using succinct simple language and then contrasting a grey area of gibberish whilst maintaining hold on the main sights of the convo.
"AhmAisink" descriptor of the word "hall-savvy", she complimented her colleague in his way to impart knowledge between office admin meets, as before the knowledge fading to a memo template form / document schedule from next month - it was revitalized between the structure because of them.
by ='srtrx September 1, 2019
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Faded: The act of being “highoff of downers
Bro I was drinking so much vodka, I was hella faded
by Mrs Merry Jane February 5, 2018
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To have risen to a level of legendary status. A man’s man. Killer humor, style and known as a stud.
Bro! I see how you got with Tiffany! You are so faded!
by AlxsanderthaGr8 November 23, 2021
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When you are faded you are drunk as fuck but also high as fuck but at the point when you are just chilling away faded.
Yo bro, I'm faded af rn.... Same dude.... Hahahaha
by Analabuse August 24, 2020
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1. gradually grow faint and disappear.

2. A song made by AW ( Alan Walker )
I'm FADED, so lost, and I'm Faded. (Music)
by STUPIDURBAN November 14, 2019
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