A statement or exclamatory remark to acknowledge the presence of miniature recovery tablets contained in a plastic container. Made famous by Louis, a fictional character from Left 4 Dead.
Louis: "pills here! piiiiiiiiiIIIllLLLssZZS HEEERREE!!!

me: ಠ_ಠ
by stabproofvest December 21, 2009
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1. The act of saying "get here" represents your commanding authority over to whomever you say it to.
2. The hand gesture of grabbing there face and gesturing it towards your crotch and saying get here
3. Various methods of getting here can be created. Ex. Face to Crotch, Crotch to Face, Face to Butt, Crotch to Butt, etc.
Dwight: I just got a 99 on my chemistry exam.
Michael: I got a 64
Dwight: Oh, well you can get here.

Bill: Hey, Timmy, you are real ugly.
Timmy: Oh really, get here.
by AlreadyHere March 23, 2010
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The term to explain your location, and to referring to the term as such of being "boss like"
Human 1: what's up man, where you at??
Human 2: bitch i'm fucking out here!!!
by SomeKneeGro January 12, 2017
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Usually yelled to draw attention and act cool. Most people do it just to act like total morons though.
Guy 1: *walks into a party* THE CHAMP IS HERE!
Guy 2: What the fuck are you doing you retarted asshole. *punches guy one in the face for acting like a moron*
by Vin Fata July 14, 2004
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When you are told to stay safe and to stay here. To not go anywhere at any time soon or possibly ever. To just stay put.

Similar to "I'll be right back," but you never left so you will still be there when or if anyone comes to find you.
"Stay here! Stay right-the-fuck here! Don't move! Do you understand!?"

I wanted to go party hardy, but I had way too many chores and homework to do, so I just told my friend I'll stay here instead.

1) "Stay here. I'll be right back."

2) "No you won't..."

::1) doesn't return. 2) never leaves::
by MrMathAllOfYous November 10, 2020
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Damn somethin smell funkier-than-a-muthafucka up in here.
by Willy October 8, 2003
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