To fail to complete a surfing/skateboarding/snowboarding/biking, stunt, by crashing usually involving bodily harm.
Robby attempted a half air-to-air tick-tack fakey, but he got the willies mid-air, bailed out, and beefed on the quarter-pipe flat. His face was mush.
by Moses March 5, 2004
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For instance, a "skin beef" is a sex crime, while a "bum beef" is a false charge.
by SadistiK December 8, 2002
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A meat that is delicious.

A fight.
i gots a beef witchu betch!


dang! i luv beef!
by Cincodemayobetch November 30, 2007
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The male version of a queef. When the fart rolls underneath your balls and escapes out the front.
I just beefed, now my balls smell like fart.
by Novakri April 5, 2015
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Verb (not conjugable). Teens. From italian slang "Stai manzo".
Also written "Stay beef". (Litteraly italian to english translation).
Used by Italian who don't know well English. It means "relax".
A: So you KISSED him?
B: Be beef A, we're only friends

A: You went to the cinema without us? We HATE YOU
B: Be beef guys, it was an 30s black and white film
by Simosito December 13, 2007
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Giving beef, is giving someone a hard time or annoying someone.
by jcb May 31, 2005
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1. to be engaged in an argument or fight.
2. less commonly known as farting

1. I got into a beef with that asshole at the bar.
2. Oh man that stinks! Who beefed?
by BXCCOS October 8, 2006
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