A true expert of rizz. The best at picking up women and a true rizzler
Dang, you're Walt Rizzney
by Heythereimchillin March 16, 2023
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The Evil Genius that corrupted the minds of countless youths, and is said to be cryogenically frozen underneath The Pirates of the Carribean...
Goddamn, Walt Disney is the Hitler of the Theme Park Industry
by DG7 May 14, 2003
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Has a chronic addiction to cereal. Has cerebral palsy. AKA Flynn. Wants his father dead. No like droog money.
Walt jr: "D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dad. Did y-you g-get my cereal?"
Walter White: "Flynn, there's no time, I killed hank."
by Boat21 January 26, 2022
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a story teller, person who makes up stories that are not true, in order to make him/herself look good or "fit in"
That guy has more stories than "Walt Disney".

Kevin is cute but he is definitely a "Walt Disney"
by fallsview March 2, 2007
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The man whose quotes are used to make the disney corporation look innocent as a mouse.
"Believe in Magic, and all yur dreams will come true." said that crackpot, Walt Disney
by Jacob T. October 3, 2006
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sexy australian youtuber who likes to make quality warhammer content, does some gayming, and is very good at telling you to shut the fuck up. he likes dogs, too. a good man likes dogs. dog.
an idiot: Hey man, Barry Walts is an OOoOookay content creator
another idiot: Eh
Barry Walts: i'm right here you cunts
by Floomf March 14, 2022
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