white people getting away with saying the word nigger
can you pass me the oar n-word jim?
by Ninjew78 December 7, 2008
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A word your not allowed to say but if u do u will get rapped by a big black N word. Don't say the N word
I will never say the N word because I will get boned
by Add me on ps4: NateIvi November 14, 2019
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a slightly less offensive way to referring to a person of color or nigger
angel v loves gettong peepee from n words
by wanabecool69 February 6, 2019
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It stands for Nigerian-wiggly orange raining dick (N-word).
Black guy: I just N-worded her last night!
Other guy: Damn you're lucky because I'm a virgin still!
by Cyber Racc June 16, 2020
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An accurate why of describing a person whose skin is literally burnt to a crisp.
by Your Mom's Gay February 2, 2019
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Niggers' inherit defenses and justification for committed crimes if the victim or the criminal investigator (who will be deemed as an wicked racialist) has mentioned the word with head of alphabet "N". With this defense the nigger will be declared innocent and released as Simpson in the Simpson case.
Nigger A:"I've just raped a white woman."
Nigger B:"Wow! How did it happen?"
Nigger A:"Because she insulted me with the 'n word'"
Nigger B:"Good job bro, she deserves that!"
Nigger A:"Yeah, dare she say 'no' to me again!"
by Ustin Ieber September 20, 2014
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A word that cannot be said by people with out a pass only people of a certain ethnicity can say it
N word
Wassup my nipple
by SaltyBoiBoi June 2, 2019
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