When you flirt with someone on a daily and you both haven't officially made it official. Like you're not single but you're not taken. It's a mix between The two words "Date" and "Love".
Stefanie: "Have you made it official with Ashn?"

Cara: "nah, We're in a Dovee"
by @mychoices101 March 10, 2017
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a bird like man from northampton that drinks a lot :)
"Dove! You out tonight?"
"Yes! I always am!"
by sofsof January 21, 2007
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a word used to describe someone who doesn't have much sexual experience or someone who's old and still a virgin. The term comes from the idea that doves are white and pure, much like someone who doesn't have experience.
Girl 1: OMG did you know Drew's still a virgin?

Girl 2: Lol he's such a dove.
by shredderss July 27, 2014
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To be doved; another term for a one night stand when you tell a girl you love them to get them in the sack for a night of good hard doving.
I loved and doved that new barmaid from the Globe last night
by LoveTheDove November 15, 2010
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homosexual crack fiend ,emo ,with brite blond hair, also known as sunshine
chiris is a dove
by Crumb August 17, 2003
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Birds in general can't move their eye-balls like humans can, thus doves can only focus on one thing at a time; they would need to move the entire head to look another direction. Dove's specifically have only one mate in their lives. Therefore having dove's eyes means one lover is focused on their significant other. Thus not even having the ability nor interest to look at another in such loving/romantic manner. Doves are also peaceful and gentle birds thus connoting the eyes are also soft and beautiful.
Bro, save your time Tammy has dove's eyes for Scott, theres no way you will break her gaze.

by Ja Realist January 16, 2017
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