a person who pretty much ditches another person
"Oh my gosh, that girl just ditched us! What a dogger!"
by Jamaica-Lee August 25, 2008
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A black guy who is considered a dog, or a fuckboy.
OMG Becky, look! It's a nogger dogger! Hes hanging out with Jessica!
by Wntsmfck July 23, 2017
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A rock band of epic and majestical proportions from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A proper Doggers show is had when one drinks excessive amounts of mana potion (a potent mixture for reaching maximum rock capacity) at the peak of which one can appease the ROCK demon.

One should lose their voice at said Doggers show whilst screaming obscenities such as "MELT MY FUCKING FACE" and "THE DOGGERS WEUUUU". Crowd surfing is optional but recommended for maximum rock demon appeasement/drain bamage.
\^/ the ROCK DEMON \^/

"Holy fuck the Doggers was the most epic shit ever"

"Pass me the mana potion"

"I am so shit right now".

The Doggers (Sheepdoggers) melted my face last night
by The ROCK demon August 7, 2012
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The dog version of Tiger Fucker. Someone who will serial fuck multiple dogs
"Yo, Brian is a dog dogger. I fucking love that guy"

"Did you hear about that dog dogger serial fucking the neighbors dogs?"
by Doublewidesurprise July 1, 2020
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one who begs to be ejaculated on
Miguel Y. begged his boyfriend to nut on his face, what a cum dogger
by you know who im not March 12, 2013
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An alternative to the terms, pothead and stoner
1: Hey what are you up to?
2: I'm smoking weed!!!
1: OMG! You're such a Snoop Dogger!
by dogbird December 9, 2010
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A Briton. In Dublin rhyming slang.
Derived from 'dog shit': 'brit'
"Would you ever keep it down ya prick. Them poor doggers next door only moved in last week"
by ThePooka August 12, 2008
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