rave/dance term, had a brilliant time which you'd remember for the rest of your life
bagleys last night smashed it
by liberty September 18, 2003
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To fight or beat up someone
Particularly a Greek or Italian Wogs favorite way of "solving" any problem known to mankind
Wog: Man how i'm supposed to solve this crossword. I know i'll find out who made the crossword and where he lives, go to his house and smash him. Cos if hiz wants to muthafuckin go we'll muthafuckin go
by senior big dick July 4, 2010
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i juss toook a hugee smashh.
by ayee boiii. August 19, 2008
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To join others in a swell game of Smash Brother's on the N64 or Game Cube System.
"Let's Smash!! By the way...Luigi is mine!!"

"Do you guys wanna Smash later?"
by Spy April 13, 2004
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Another way to say "a game of Super Smash Bros.", Brawl, Melee, or 64.
DUDE: I'm going to win in this SMASH!
OTHER DUDE: Stop, you just lost 50 SMASHES!!!
by SUPERSMASHBRUDDAS October 6, 2009
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Synonyms (Crush, Devour, Consume)
1. To eat all food available
2. To eat the last of somthing
3. To go out to eat, especially to a buffet.
1. I smashed the fridge
2. I smashed the rest of the cookies.
3. Lets go to (buffet) and smash.
by Fretific July 24, 2006
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to partake in a heavily competitive game of nintendo's super smash bros. melee against other competitors.
"Hey man, do you wanna have a smash later?"

"Let's go smash."
by jackcansingcsharp April 29, 2009
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