a phrase given to a competitor playing FIFA who looses 3 games in a row. Popularised by Charlie Spencer 08/11/2011.
Shit stick, Charlie Spencer
by FIFARANGER November 8, 2011
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My grandfather grew up in poverty in a company owned coal mining town where he was born in 1895. He yold me about a game they played called the fox and the hounds whenever a new kid came to town. One kid was the fox. He carried a stick between his legs to simulate a tail. The object was for the hounds to chase the fox and capture him by grabbing his tail. They always let the new kid win. Unbeknownst to him the had dipped the end of the stick in the muck of an outhouse. Clearly getting the shit end of the stick was getting a bad and unanticipated result.
He got the shit end of the stick.
by jp0 August 9, 2018
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Every dumb ass that has a driver's license that shouldn't.
How did that shit-stick get a license?!?
Dude, don't be a shit-stick.
That was shit-stickish behavior.
by jenijag November 22, 2012
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A common impromptu tool used to scrape feces off of the shoe or boot. Commonly used around livestock, zoos, kennels, camping and public parks. Depending on the size and shape, it can be efficient and can be thrown for a distance to remove it from your locale if necessary.
Damn Fred, I just stepped in in it! Hand me that shit stick over there.
by randallt December 30, 2016
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The stick that ugly bitches get hit with when they are young, resulting in extreme ugliness of the bitch, and then resulting in lesbians like Rosie O'Donnell(fat bitch).
Dude that hoe i met last night was so ugly, it looked like her daddy hit her with a shit stick before she was born!
by 420blazendude January 18, 2008
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1. (noun) Any male's penis who likes or has had sex with someone anally.
2. (noun) An insulting name to call someone, especially a homosexual male.
3. (verb)(hyphenated) To insert a male's penis into an anus
1. He does have a shit stick, but he is still a human being.
2. Get away from me, you shitstick!
3. He shit-sticked his boy aquaintance last night so I ran out of the co-ed bathroom when he came in.
by ILoveHugsandStuff November 1, 2004
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Guy1:Shit stick!


Guy1:Look -points to a stick with shit on it-
by Commissar Nolan February 13, 2009
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